BharatGnss is a Standard Precision GPS navigation Module based on L1 band with 4 concurrent GNSS constellation reception. It can be connected with Flight controllers through CAN bus. It has been integrated with Industrial grade RM3100 magnetometer, DPS310/BMP581/Ms5611 barometer sensor and an inbuilt buzzer.
Specs & GPS Test Result:
100 Mhz Cortex-M4 processor
Ublox M9N with RF front-end design
which includes LNA , RF amplifier,
Saw filters.
Industrial grade PNICorp RM3100
DPs310/ BMP581/MS5611
DroneCAN protocol
In-Built Buzzer
Position Accuracy upto 0.7 m
GPS Test Result:
Satellite count : upto 30
HDOP: Average 0.56 , Best 0.46
HAcc: Average 0.6 m
VAcc : Average 1 m